Siaka Massaquoi J6 Legal Defense Fund


 USD $210,000


 USD $187,657

Campaign created by Charlotte Massaquoi

Campaign funds will be received by Charlotte Massaquoi

Siaka Massaquoi J6 Legal Defense Fund

I'm asking for your support of my J6 Legal Defense Fund. Anything helps. God bless.

On November 30, an FBI SWAT team arrested me at a Los Angeles airport in front of my wife, Charlotte. We were returning from Nashville, where we attended the premiere of The Daily Wire’s comedy “Lady Ballers,” in which I am a featured actor. I was booked and held overnight at Monterey Park Jail before posting bail the next morning.

Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has charged me with 4 misdemeanors, including disorderly conduct, knowingly entering a restricted building — our own U.S. Capitol — and “parading” in the Capitol. The federal government has unlimited resources at its disposal in this prosecution. That’s why I must ask for the generous support of all patriotic and well-meaning Americans.

My arrest was the culmination of nearly 3 years of harassment by the federal government for my presence on January 6, 2021, inside a Capitol doorway for 71 seconds. And when asked by the police to leave, not only did I immediately comply, but gave that directive to others in the doorway.

Why did Biden’s DOJ wait 3 years to bring charges against me? Six months after J6, at dawn, 15 FBI agents in black tactical gear raided my home and seized property. They didn’t charge me at the time and have still not returned many of my belongings, including my laptop, cell phone, and even MAGA hats.

Since then, Charlotte and I have faced persistent government harassment. Every time I fly, including today, I face lengthy security checks, including getting thoroughly patted down at the TSA checkpoint and again at the gate. Often, a federal marshall tails me at the airport and on my flights, taking pictures and videos to document my activity.

I peacefully protested for the rights of American voters. I support Donald Trump. And for this, Biden’s DOJ has turned my life upside down.

The media is flooding the airwaves with lies and propaganda about people like me who peacefully protested 3 years ago at the Capitol. They are giddy at throwing us in jail and ruining our lives. The Department of Justice has ensured that, regardless of the outcome of their case against me, the process is the punishment.

But no matter. The harder they press me, the stronger I feel. Thank God I am in a position to help lead this battle for truth. Most J6 defendants are not. They are fighting and struggling in the shadows. As someone with a platform, I have a responsibility to fight not just for myself and my family but for those patriotic Americans fighting in the shadows.

The government is coming after us in order to intimidate you. But with God’s help, and yours, I will prevail. We will prevail. I have faith that we can take our country back. That’s why I’m asking for your support.

God bless,

Siaka & Charlotte

P.S. Thanks to your support, Charlotte and I have an attorney. After pleading not guilty at my arraignment, we understand this fight will take time. Our battle for truth will not be short, but we will win. I will be found NOT GUILTY of all charges — if I can stay in the fight. So please, consider making a contribution, and share this page with a friend and with all patriotic Americans you know who stand on the side of truth, justice, and freedom.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
22 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
25 days ago

God bless and keep you. Heard your story on Michele Tafoya. Praying also for those yet to be released.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Just Think the Podcast
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

We love you Siaka! Continued prayers for truth and justice for all!

Judith W
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you and your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Saw you on Tim Pool.

$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

I appreciate all that you are doing! God bless you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Saw you on Tim Pool. Good luck and God bless you.

Maria R
$ 15.00 USD
1 month ago

nick fear Incorporated
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

Lori Mills
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Love you brother!

Howard and Ginger
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Siaka our hearts are with you. This should never have happened. Sending prayers for you and your family.

Jane Kehr
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Been praying for you and your family Siaka!! Hugs to you all!!

Dave Peters
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Mary Jones
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Mark Riehle
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you and your family and glad to hear this insanity is almost behind you. Wishing you the best and keep up the good fight!

$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Thanks for your recent interview with Lori Mills to get the truth out there. Hope all those who wronged you and the other J6ers will be brought to justice, and you will be made whole.

Neil Funkhouser
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Heather P
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Continuing to pray for you and your precious family! Praise God for his provision and protection!


The Grassroots Is Rallying Behind My Case; Fund Tops $170K!

February 8th, 2024

2 months ago, the FBI arrested me at the airport because, on January 6, 2021, I peacefully stood inside a Capitol doorway for 71 seconds.

Since my arrest, thousands of grassroots Republicans, conservatives, and everyday Americans have rallied behind me and Charlotte. People come up to us in the streets of L.A. and say they donated to our legal fund and are praying for me. Some Democrats, too!

When I defeat the DOJ’s case, it will send a strong message to those in power: Americans don’t want a two-tiered justice system. If you’re able to, please make a contribution or send a prayer. The legal fund just surpassed $170,000! But we’re still short of our $210,000 goal.

From the Babylon Bee to Daily Wire to huge accounts on Twitter/X, so many friends have helped raise awareness of my case. I was recently at Tim Pool’s studio as a guest on Pop Culture Crisis, and I went on Informed With Anthony. The feedback from their audiences has been awesome. While at the Timcast studios, I had the opportunity to meet one of my heroes, the great Larry Elder.

The county Republican parties of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Ventura passed strong resolutions supporting my case. The LAGOP called for legislation that would “put an immediate stop to all one-sided political and abusive uses of the prosecutorial powers. Otherwise, we risk delegitimatizing our great Constitutional Republic.”

You can read the LAGOP resolution — which Ventura Republicans adopted — here.

From the bottom of my and Charlotte’s hearts — thank you for your continued support. Your donations are quite literally allowing me to fight for the truth, fight the Justice Department’s unjust charges, and plead NOT GUILTY. If you’re able to, please chip in any amount.

God bless,


Update The Grassroots Is Rallying Behind My Case; Fund Tops $170K! Image
The J6 Narrative Is Beginning To Crack

January 25th, 2024

Be strong and have courage! We are winning, and the MSM is noticing.

Politico: “Justice Department attorneys are suddenly facing a growing list of legal stumbling blocks as they continue to pile up new arrests arising from the insurrection.”

What does this mean? My legal strategy — keep fighting, not plea, and buy time — is working. Every week, the odds improve that my charges will be dropped or, if taken to trial, that I will be found NOT GUILTY. Thanks to your support, I’m able to keep pleading guilty off the table. 

But this fight is far from over, and the Biden/Garland DOJ is working hard to convict as many MAGA voters as possible before the election — and loudly. My legal defense fund is $40,000 short of our goal. This fund is what’s allowing me to fight for my freedom! If you're able to contribute any amount, even just a few dollars, helps.  

The Supreme Court says it will review the DOJ’s “obstruction of an official proceeding” felony charge, and two federal judges issued surprise rulings that damage 2 of the government’s misdemeanor trespassing charges — including the ones brought against me!

But I don’t have unlimited resources to fight the government forever. And with Charlotte and my first child coming in March, we need our legal fund to reach its goal. 

Tragically, many patriots who took no part in any violence or destruction on J6 will have no recourse even if sane judges put the breaks on DOJ prosecutors. Those who pled guilty and can’t appeal, those who served jail time, they cannot get their time or their pleas back. Thank God I am in a position to defend my name and my freedom. Thanks to you.

God Bless,

Siaka Massaquoi

P.S. Charlotte and I are rejoicing that our fight for justice feels like a winning and worthy fight. We didn’t ask for this and wouldn’t wish it upon anybody. But we’re here and plan to win. Your generosity makes victory possible. 

Update The J6 Narrative Is Beginning To Crack Image
Who delayed the National Guard on J6?

January 15th, 2024

Every day, more truth emerges about the events of January 6. The latest revelation is that retired General Mark Milley (surprise!), then the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, acted outside his authority to delay the D.C. National Guard from promptly responding to the protests at the Capitol.

Army Colonel Earl Matthews — who at the time was the senior legal advisor to Maj. Gen. William Walker, the D.C. National Guard's commanding general — told RedState that Milley and Army leadership “stopped the Guard from coming then lied about it and said the Guard acted at sprint speed.”

Maj. Gen. Walker testified that at 1:49 p.m. on January 6, he took a call from then Chief of U.S. Capitol Police Steven Sund, who requested immediate assistance after the Capitol’s security perimeter had been breached. Walker relayed the request up the Army leadership chain. Over 3 hours later, his request was approved. 

When Matthews and Walker arrived at the Capitol grounds on January 6, there were already New Jersey state troopers there, before the D.C. National Guard, which was stationed 2 miles away.

The kicker: “Matthews said when he spoke up to defend Walker and the record as he lived it, he went from being colonel-promotable, meaning he was on the list for brigadier general, to being shunned by peers and leaders and with little chance of pinning his first star.”

The full truth about what happened on January 6 will eventually come out. I don’t think the Biden regime can stop it. But they are trying to prosecute, punish, and intimidate a lot of decent Americans who did nothing wrong and did not knowingly or intentionally commit any crime, including me.

Our legal defense fund has nearly reached $160K! We’re over 75% towards our goal of $210K. Your generosity has found a permanent place in my and Charlotte’s hearts. 

Every week there are more convictions, guilty pleas, and prison sentences for J6 defendants. Our legal team is working to help ensure that will not be the outcome of the DOJ’s case against me. 

If you can find a way to make a contribution (or another contribution) to the legal defense fund or share it with a friend, my God, we would be exceedingly grateful.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

Siaka & Charlotte

Update Who delayed the National Guard on J6? Image
Court says passive J6 defendants (like me) can be convicted

January 9th, 2024

Siaka here. I wish I had good news to share today, but when I heard about this federal court ruling, my heart dropped for a moment. On Friday, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that even J6 defendants who were "passive, quiet and nonviolent" can be found guilty of "disorderly or disruptive conduct." That charge has been brought against nearly every J6 defendant, including me. But CHARLOTTE AND I REMAIN IN HIGH SPIRITS.

This ruling is a speed bump, not a landmine. Yes, I'm facing potential jail time for standing peacefully inside a Capitol doorway for 71 seconds. Yes, this court ruling is not what we hoped for. But my legal team remains confident that we will ultimately defeat the Biden DOJ's charges. I did nothing wrong. I did not break the law. We have faith that one way or the other, I will be acquitted, or all charges will be dropped. But we still have a long way to go. And I am enormously grateful for the support you've given us so far, including this past weekend, where we raised over $10,000 for my legal defense fund. 

We will try to update you with relevant details about my case as it develops. Everyone who has contributed their money, time, and prayers to our fight deserves to know how things are going. And we would be so grateful if you could continue to support my legal defense. One cannot imagine the financial, mental, and emotional toll this is taking on my family, especially with our first child due in 2 months. The federal government of the United States is attempting to put me in prison for peacefully demonstrating! Even as I write those words, I don't fully believe this is happening in our country today.

From the bottom of our hearts, Charlotte and I thank you. Even when we get bad news, we're strengthened by the knowledge that thousands of people support us, and the conviction that in the end, the good guys will win.

God Bless,


P.S. Here’s an article about the federal court ruling. Crazy stuff. 

Update Court says passive J6 defendants (like me) can be convicted Image

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